Check Out Our Shop

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Off to Market we go...

As my kids would say, " Yeah, baby".... It is time for Mega Market in Dallas again! I am packing my bag, preparing all my goodies and grabbing my camera so you too can enjoy all the sights. Sure gonna miss " My Darling" ...  

I probably don't need that many suitcases.

We will keep you updated...

It is a grueling schedule... long days, spent walking till you drop, but exciting and motivating all at the same time!  Hey, where are my comfortable shoes anyway ??
We will keep in touch and send photos of all the goodies we are considering for the shop and of course our design business. We always have a list of "wants" for our current clients and make careful notes of items that we might use on a future job. You can imagine how confusing 13 floors of merchandise might mesh together at the end of the day, so good note keeping is mandatory for us. It is a blur for certain !
On Friday we will rummage about in the "Temporaries" looking for those outstanding vendors that are new to the market, bringing their decor to sell only twice a year. This year they have added a new "Vintage" section and a wonderful lady I met at the Hico show has been invited to show her talent off there. I am making it a point to find her space. She is Nancy, of the Her things are unusual and displayed so creatively. You will love her things.
I'm thinking about Vintage style things for our shop, and of course something special for the farmhouse look I mentioned last time- I need to add to my new kitchen and warm it up with a little more color.
I am thinking about some pale blue-purple pottery that i saw last market. Usually when I'm still thinking about something, I know they need to come home with me.
And, if time allows, we will make it over to the Dallas Design Center and meet up with our favorite girls in the Fabricut and Robert Allen showrooms. They always have new fabrics displayed so beautifully, set off with the latest trimmings. You will want to decorate your entire house.

Off to Market we go...  will send a blog "postcard" so you can enjoy with us.

Diana &Aubrie
Aging your home gracefully, Home decor with a past...

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